We are currently CLOSED for SUBMISSIONS.
Skirting Around is looking for creative writing and visual art that digs into the political, social, cultural and emotional issues surrounding women's clothing. The love, hate and everything in between, of what women do or don't, can or can't, will or won't wear.
We welcome work from all cis and trans women, non-binary and gender fluid writers, poets and artists.​ We're looking for poetry, prose, creative non-fiction, essay (lyrical, personal, experimental), hybrid forms, visual art and photography.
Submission guidelines
prose pieces (inc essay and hybrid forms) – between 50 to 2000 words
poetry – up to three poems, with a maximum total of 120 lines
visual art and photography – up to three pieces
submit all written work in a Word document and all visuals in a PDF or JPEG to Carolyn at
save your document as Lastname_Firstname_Skirting_Around_Issue#
do not include your name anywhere on the body of your document
please do not submit if your work was published in the previous issue. You are welcome to submit for our next issue.
(Please note, we are a very small team of two, and much as we would love to, we are unable to offer feedback on individual submissions).
Terms and Conditions
contributors will retain the copyright of their work​
simultaneous submissions are accepted
all work must be previously unpublished both in print and online
Skirting Around reserves the right to edit submissions. Edits will be minor proofreading changes. If we feel that the submission needs more substantial edits then we will consult the contributor first
We are unable to offer any payment for contributions at this time